I have a new "used" camera that I have purchased in celebration and anticipation of my impending retirement which will take place at the end of June. I have been so busy working very long days that I have not really had an opportunity to "play" with the camera as much as I would like. Since today is the first warm and sunny day we have had here in weeks, I decided to take the camera outdoors and shoot some pictures. My main desire with this lens is to be able to take close-up shots and so I tried to capture some of the objects that I have in the gardens around the house. I still have much to learn about the camera and about everything else having to do with photography. However, I am very pleased with what I am able to do so far and I think this Canon Rebel is just what I've been looking for.
Although almost everything else was dormant and killed by the unusually cold winter we've had this year, the camelias were in full bloom at Leu Gardens in Orlando. Hundreds of varieties; nuances in color, size, and degree of bloom. Beautiful. And although the Rose Garden had not yet burst forth for spring, we found a few flowers to sniff and photograph.