Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Little Bit of Art

This is a grid drawing that we worked on in Art Group this week. One works from a grid on a photograph that mimics a grid on the watercolor paper. As you can see, I need to work on both the drawing part and the watercolor part. However, it was great fun.
This is called a Zentangle. A Zentangle is a small drawing done on a 3x5 paper in black and white ink. It is a free form "Zen-like" drawing that one can get lost in. I love doing these because they match my abstract random personality with a little bit of need for order.

These are great fun to do and can be done anywhere because all that is needed is paper, a pen, and a little imagination.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fun Things For Today

Knock-out rose blooming in the backyard.
Crepe Myrtle getting it's new leaves.
Volunteer patch of Spiderwort.
Honeysuckle in full bloom on the white pergola.
A very full jar of bottle caps awaiting a new project!