Sunday, April 19, 2009

Work In Progress; How Long Will This Take?

I've been working on this piece for at least three weeks and before that, it was dancing around in my head at all hours of the day and night. I am still not finished although I'm a lot closer now than I have been. I knew as soon as I saw these glass knobs that I would use them in this fashion.
At first I wanted to call this "Just Because I Have Boobs Doesn't Mean I Don't Have Brains." But then, Janet gave me this phrase and the piece has become, " A Woman Uses the Currency She's Born With." Both are very biting, I think. And so, just a little more to go. Or maybe a lot.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Artistry In The Garden

I have no new art to show because I am working on a series that is not ready yet. I have the idea and I have one of the images created but my creativity is blocked. Therefore, I garden. These are some of my new butterfly plants. I love pink and red salvia and am having wonderful luck with lavender this year also.
I love the way the plants sway in the breeze, particularly when a butterfly lands on a flower and weighs it down. The Knock Out Rose is almost as tall as the yard umbrella in the back garden.

As always, the art and garden assistant watches carefully over the proceedings. This perch is Cocoa's favorite spot as it allows her to watch out the window without exerting too much effort.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where I've Been

We just returned from a wonderful vacation in North Carolina. Pictured here is Looking Glass Falls. It is a spectacular sight to see and hear as it cascades down the rock into a pool below.
These forsythia bushes (yellow) and pink blossomed willow trees lined the driveway of Barkwell's , a fabulous place that caters to families with dogs. It was our first stay at this wonderful location and we recommend it highly. Cocoa thought it was fantastic!!