I am having a very hard time with work right now. It is brutally busy and I am very, very tired. I decided that I need to be working on a journal in which I chronicle how long during the weekend it takes me to recover from the week. And so, I began this Saturday. It took me until about noon to get my energy rounded up so that I could enjoy the rest of Saturday and the entire day on Sunday. I am trying to decide how much longer I want to work and we are taking Thanksgiving week off to spend some time at the beach as we contemplate the next stage of our lives. The last time I retired, I became bored very quickly and felt purposeless and useless. (Those are almost the same, aren't they?) But that was nine years ago (actually, almost ten) and I was much younger. These days, I relish a lazy beginning to the morning with a good cup of coffee and a round of Farmville with a few friends on Facebook. Then I like to do a little art or maybe a little gardening. I think I sound like an old woman. Yee Gads!! Then a trip to IKEA or to the Friday Farmer's Market.
I have a lot of thinking to do. I will know more after our November retreat.