Sunday, June 21, 2009

Never Too Old For A Pedicure

The feet of an aging woman, drawn while applying polish...though not beautiful, at least interesting!!


GlorV1 said...

Hmmmm....That's very interesting. I rarely think about what my feet look like because I mostly wear socks. I'll have to look at my feet more closely, starting today. Of course they are clean, but I don't polish my toenails and perhaps I should start, but then again they'll be covered with socks so why even go through all the trouble, I say to myself.

Great drawing, great feet and it looks like they have something to say. Places they've been, places yet to go. Take care. Oh, have a great week.

Shannon & Elizabeth said...

very cool drawing.
those feet do llok like they have a story to tell, glorv1, i agree with you!