Yesterday, I wanted to try a new sketch but couldn't really find any subject matter that appealed to me. It was raining outside so I couldn't so out into the garden and the inside of the house seemed boring to me. So I looked in my photo box for two vintage photographs. Although both photos featured people, I can't draw people yet so I left the people out. The sketch above is one of a little store in Tampa back in the 1920's.
This is a sketch of the house where my parents spent part of their honeymoon in San Francisco in 1933, I like the idea of drawing only the background scenery in photographs and may do more.
I like the idea too of background sketches. I wish I could sketch like you. I'm trying to learn to sketch homes as well but I'm having a hard time. I think that home where your parents stayed for part of their honeymoon is really good. Keep it up, you can only get better. Have a great week.
I think anyone who can sketch the way you can is so talented! I can't even draw a straight line!!
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