These images are but a few of all that we saw on our trip out west. I have selected these for today because being in the midst of these, I felt my own smallness and insignificance in the world. I think it's really important to realize, on occasion, that we are not in charge of the world; that to believe so is delusional; and that we need constant reminders of this fact.
The photograph above was taken at Yellowstone National Park and is one of many bubbling pools that exist in the park. These pools are a constant reminder that there is life right beneath the surface and that we cannot control it.
This was taken at Patrick's Point on the Pacific Coast in California. This view is hidden but just right beyond the parking area at Agate Beach. Once you walk a ways and turn a corner, this gorgeous site is what you see. Standing on the edge and looking down is an experience to be remembered. How small did I feel that day?
And then there was this guy. While he appears to be standing alone, he was a part of a herd of about 150 bison crossing the road at Yellowstone.
And finally, this is the trunk of an upended redwood tree in the redwood forests of California. It was mammoth --lying on its side gathering lichen.
I really believe that whenever someone gets full of themselves, they need to be taken to see the bison, the bubbling pools, the upended redwoods, and the view at Patrick's Point. Puts everything into perspective.
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