Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cape Cod

Tomorrow, I leave for a three day trip to Cape Cod. I am attending an educational summit even though I am no longer working. The opportunity for this all expense paid trip was too good to pass up and even though I was retiring, the conveners urged me to attend anyway. And so I am going. This summit is an inaugural summit for Fountas and Pennell, the two guided reading gurus in elementary school reading education. I have been reading and studying their books for the past seven years but have never had an opportunity to hear them in person. This week, I will have a chance to hear their latest research in the world of reading and Response to Intervention. While all of this may sound a bit esoteric, it is important for me to keep abreast in the field. I have a granddaughter who is developmentally delayed and I want to know all there is about reading and the elementary child. I also need to know the latest on Response to Intervention or RTI because it applies to children with disabilities and other struggling students. And so there are no pictures on this blog today. I will save those for when I return. In addition to soaking in all that is new in the world of elementary education, I will be attending a cocktail party, a clam bake, and making many new friends. Just in case you thought it would be all work.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

wow, this is all pretty much over my head. However,,,have a fabulous time in the cape!

GlorV1 said...

Hope you enjoyed the clam bake and everything that went with it. WooHoo! Take care.