Thursday, July 1, 2010

On A New Track

This photograph was taken by my granddaughter, Isabella, a very talented teenager with a lens. It symbolizes the beginning of a new track for me because today is my first day of retirement. I have been anticipating this day for the last several months and you, my blog friends, have been extremely supportive in my endeavor. Well, here I am. I awakened at 5:55 am. Wow, I slept late!! I am usually up by 5:30. So I have hopes that my body clock will re-set at some point so that I can actually find out what my body really wants to do. I have always been an early riser so I doubt that will change. I am most productive in the early morning. So now, I will see what I am productive with? Is that proper grammar??

I have totally rearranged my art studio and am ready to begin work. I have a new art piece in my head that is both nostalgic and whimsical and I will have to give it life soon so it doesn't take up all my "think" time. I have made a commitment to walk everyday so let's see how that goes. For now, I'm still in my pajamas; I'm on my third cup of coffee; and I need to fill the bird feeders.

1 comment:

GlorV1 said...

Oh that's okay, take your rush. Finish your coffee, fill the birdfeeder's and have another cup of coffee if you so desire. It's your time now, enjoy. Happy retirement.