I don't know about you but every time I try on an outfit, I ask myself if I look fat in it. Is that just something that women do? Or do men do that also? Ever since I was a young girl, I was worried about my weight. Are my thighs too fat? What about my hips? Are they too wide? How many calories are in this? Should I eat it?
I think about food all the time. Not just that I want to eat; I think about the fact that I should not eat something. I am always worried about the number of calories in everything. Sometimes, I don't even enjoy what I'm eating because I am worried about the caloric content. My best days are when I'm really thin but then I worry that I won't stay that way and, sure enough, I don't.
I just love to eat. and I wish that one day, I wouldn't worry about what I eat and what I look like. I have always had a little dimple on my upper left thigh. I have had this little dimple as long as I can remember. No matter how thin I get, the dimple is always there and I have always hated it. When I was very young and a majorette, I worried that everyone was looking at this dimple. Now at an old age with cellulite that is crawling down toward my knees, I still worry about this dimple. And it's like, "who cares?". But I care. I will probably be 90 years old and wondering if everyone is looking at this dimple on my thigh.
So I guess it's all about perfection and imperfection. I believe that if I didn't have this little dimple, I would be perfect. Wow, that's really arrogant, don't you think? But, seriously, do you think I look fat in this outfit?
I have yet to meet a woman with a great body image. We all think we're too fat and I am!!!
No Shirley, it doesn't make you look fat, you are purrfect and that dimple is too. Nice to read you. Have a great Thursday.
Body image. What a pain! And we all do it. The silliest part is that we spend much more time thinking about how we look than the people who look at us. I know I do. You sound just like me. I hate my middle. And everyday I'm bound and determined to do something about it...but it's still there. :)
Is this Shirley Gonzales-Day, former grant program director of Marion County Reading First?
PS...I like your new look on your blog.
Yes, Tami Chappell, it's one and the same. How the heck are you and I am now retired.
Yeah... You could have told me. Do you still have my email or phone. I'd love to hear from you.
Do you have a blog? My email is
Write to me.
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