Saturday, December 31, 2011

Today's Progress and One Last Look

Had a second morning of raking in my neighbor's yard and came home with this huge pile of pine straw and four gigantic bags of leaves shown below. My neighbors are so happy to have their yard raked and we are so happy to come home with natural mulch that is environmentally sound. It's kind of our way to continue recycling while following our mantra: "What do we need; what do we have; what do we do next?" It is our way of minimizing our environmental footprint while not wasting resources.
One last look at the firebush which has grown to over seven feet tall this season. After next week's cold snap, it will be dead-looking but will come back in the spring in glorious profusion.
In the meantime, I have received my seed catalogs and will be ordering vegetable seeds to plant in the spring. "To everything, there is a season..."

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