Monday, August 15, 2011

Just For Today

I can't help but admire those stalwarts of the garden who survive this heat and sometimes, unending rain. Yet, here they stand in all their glory. The Beauty Berry whose berries are already turning purple, a sign that fall will actually come someday.
The fire bush that dies to the ground every winter and comes back in a splendid display each summer.
And one of the volunteer zinnias, showing her little face to the sun.

On this beautiful Monday, these additional goodies:

* Three Etsy sales so far today
* Delicious macaroni and meat sauce for lunch
* A Smooth Fox Terrier dog on my lap
* A great morning photographing and listing new items on my Etsy site
* Finally walked on the treadmill, after much procrastination
* Did tons of yard work in spite of the heat
* Found a Favorite New Quote:
Do not break your shin on a stool that is not in your way.

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