Saturday, August 20, 2011

What's A Saturday For?

Great Things For Today:

* Started working outdoors early today and spent three hours weeding, trimming, and directing my two guys who were here helping.
* Dug up two bamboo plants that were taking over the garden. Yay!
* Sold a large tool on Etsy that has been taking up way too much space in the closet.
* Started packing the trailer. Getting very excited.
* Baked sweet potatoes and grass-fed beef for dinner.
* Trimmed the dog's toenails and packed her little suitcase for travel.
* Took a little nap.

All in all, a great day. Most of the time, it's just the little things that make a difference.


Shannon & Elizabeth said...

Dear dr.Gonzalez,
Yes, it is most certainly the little things that make all of the difference!
Packing? Always exciting!

Connie said...

I agree with Shannon&Elizabeth!
When is your trip?